Caylyn Rich
Year Senior
Major International Studies
Hometown Stanwood
Study Abroad Program JSIS Greece: Travelers & Migrants, University of Copenhagen Exchange
What was your favorite part of studying abroad?
I love having conversations that leave me thinking ‘wow, I would never have had this discussion at this exact time and place with this person under normal circumstances’. The unplanned spontaneity of studying abroad and living in a state of unfamiliarity is simply remarkable- it taught me to open my mind and heart to different ideas and emotions. The more I invested myself in meeting new people, the more I grew to care about becoming part of a global community.

What are your plans/goals for the future?
I’m keeping it open, but I can easily see myself living out my years on various continents and learning a few more languages along the way!
What was your favorite meal abroad?
The Mediterranean diet is hands-down the best; tzatziki sauce, feta and olive salads and baklava!
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Don't put too much pressure on yourself. When everyone around you seems to have it perfectly together, remind yourself that it takes time to get into the swing of things and that everyone is on their own track to get to where they are going. In the end, no matter how your study abroad shapes up, you will be grateful for this experience for the rest of your life.