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Amy Diaz
Year Junior
Major Law Society and Justice
Hometown Bellevue, WA
Study Abroad Program Business Morocco: Triple Impact Africa,
What was your favorite part of studying abroad?
My favorite aspect of studying abroad is the freedom I get to be a completely different version of myself without the fear that anyone I know will judge me for it! It gives you the chance to truly begin again and make another life for yourself in a new place that you get to call home. Taking the risk to jump into the unknown and to become a bolder and more confident version of who you are is what will truly teach you lessons that will last a lifetime.
What was your favorite meal abroad?
Moroccan Couscous. Hands down, it is the one dish that makes me genuinely happy to eat so many vegetables all at once. The grains, the light sauce, delicious meat, and the soft veggies are all stacked so nicely together on a huge plate and you see the mountain of food crumble down once everyone around the table starts to dig in. It's a sight worth seeing, fills the tummy without making you feel gross, and fills the heart with warm memories.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
The best feeling in the world is coming back to your hometown with some sort of vision for your life or for a cause that all came from the most authentic and raw parts of your mind while you were travelling. With that said, take chances by doing something productive and brave while you're abroad that you know you would have a harder time imagining yourself doing if you were home. Let your mind wander and follow where that takes you!
What are your plans for the future?
My dream job would be to either start or work for a non-profit that brings kids around the world closer to experiencing the joy of dance and liberal arts overall. I believe that the arts can add beautiful meaning to life if given the proper opportunity to experience what your mind can artistically create. However, no matter what happens I am passionate about helping others and giving back, so I want to always ensure that international community outreach remains at the core of my pursuit for International Business/Relations.
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