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Katie Bosso
What was your favorite part of studying abroad? I got to meet exchange students from all over the world; while I was really only expecting to meet Korean friends in Korea and German friends in Germany, I wound up learning a lot more from the diverse students I got to meet. I actually met more Korean friends in Germany who were also on exchange. I got to do a lot of different language exchanges, and take proficiency tests to test my skills. I feel like my whole student life was building up to this challenge.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Be flexible, don’t be afraid to ask questions and pay attention to deadlines! Exchange programs are really demanding and intense; but don’t be afraid of them. I’ve always been super anxious when it comes to talking on the phone and ordering food – now that I’ve come back to Seattle, I feel way more confident in interacting with people because hey, I can do it in English!
Year Senior
Major German & History
Hometown Woodinville
Study Abroad Program Seoul National University Exchange, University of Tübingen Exchange
What was your favorite food abroad? In Korea, you can get just about any kind of food delivered. I’m a little more picky about the food itself, but it didn’t matter if I didn’t have to leave my house on Saturday for lunch! Also, I ate so much Korean BBQ that I probably can’t ever look at it again…

What are your future plans/goals?
I want to work for the state department or in an embassy or something like that! I’m still figuring out the best way to use my language skills and cultural experiences to help people.
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