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Manjot Singh
Year Senior
Major Bioengineering & Public Health-Global Health
Hometown Punjab, India
Study Abroad Program The School for Field Studies in Tanzania, The School for Field Studies in Turks and Caicos, American Indian Studies/CHID Norway: Indigenous Sami Culture and Connections to the Land in Arctic Europe, Honors Zimbabwe: Population Health in Action
What was your favorite part of studying abroad?
I really enjoyed immersing myself in the culture at my program site and learning about the cultural practices of the people there. I also loved making friends with people from across the globe!

What was your favorite meal abroad?
I had so many great meals in all the places that I went
to. But my favorite would have to be sadza and greens
that I had in Zimbabwe.
What advice do you have for future study abroad students?
Take the initiative to talk to the community at your study abroad location because what you get out of this study abroad experience depends on how much effort you put into the program.
Medical School!
What are your plans/goals for the future?
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